The beginning of a new year always brings a period of reflection on last year’s highs and lows and a certain excitement in “turning over a new leaf” as we look forward to the coming months. For some, January 1 is just another day in the week. For others, it allows an opportunity to tackle goals that may have been put off because of #life. Oftentimes, sharing those resolutions with others who may have the same goals helps keep us on track when we want nothing more than to wave a white flag. We asked Atmosphere team members from our various regions what their 2019 resolutions were and here are their responses:


  • “I choose a word to represent my goals and resolutions, and this year’s word is ‘Content’.”
  • “Read 30 books.”
  • “Bring a lunch and not go out to eat every day.”
  • “My personal/professional resolution is to learn to be more goal oriented, and learn how to develop more focused and committed strategies to achieve those goals.”
  • “Be financially smarter, eat better and exercise more.”
  • “Start painting again.”
  • “This year’s focus is unnecessary spending. I’m going to attempt to pack lunches everyday, bring coffee from home and avoid buying clothes or unneeded items! I’ve increased my savings, HSA and 401k contributions, so hopefully if I don’t see the extra money in my account, I won’t be tempted to spend. We’ll see how it goes!”
  • “Spend more time working on my hobbies.”
  • “To be more confident in everything I do and to finish projects I’ve started.”
  • “I don’t make New Years resolutions; I believe that New Years is a time of reflection. I chose not to make any New Years resolutions because I never know what the coming year will hold. With a new year comes a lot of situations that you never expect, so I choose to just live in the moment and take each day as they come. Do I set goals for myself throughout the year? Yes. I made a list of January Affirmations and will continue to do so each month this year. This gives me long-term vision and short-term motivation. It also raises my self-confidence as I recognize my ability to achieve the affirmations I’ve set for myself. So New Years resolutions are great for some, but as for me, I’ll stay true to my nonresolution.”
  • “I want to spend more time writing, whether that’s personally, professionally or both.”
  • “Be kinder.”
  • “In 2019, I commit to being more mindful of those around me, to being more grateful for what I have, and to consume less and create more.” 
  • “Run four 5ks with friends and family.”
  • “My resolution for 2019 is to try to use less plastics in my life (bring my own shopping bags, no straws, etc.) and to be really diligent about recycling and making less waste.”
  • “I normally don’t make resolutions, but in an effort to be healthier in 2019 and beyond, I’m trying to drink at least 64oz (8 cups) of water every day – which is ambitious considering I only drink black coffee or cappuccinos until noon. Hopefully, the delicious sparkling water we have on tap will be a good excuse for me to fill up my cup!”


As the first week of January comes to a close, we are quickly reminded of the challenges that follow when fulfilling the resolutions for a new year. However, the triumphs that come with achieving the goals we set out to accomplish are often what we are most proud of at the end of the journey. #Cheers to a new year and a rewarding 2019!

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