Omni Workspace Company brands, including A&M Business Interior Services, Atmosphere Commercial Interiors, Atmosphere Services, Emerald City Moving & Storage, and ICS are closely monitoring the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak and taking necessary steps to minimize any disruption to the service we provide our clients.
In order to maintain a focus on high quality customer support while also taking the necessary steps to ensure the health and safety of our team members and those we interact with, Omni Workspace Company is using guidance from Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Department (WHO) as the baseline for the following course of action:
- If any team member has a fever, cold, flu-like symptoms or has been in contact with someone that has tested positive for COVID-19 we have asked them not to come into work. We are asking that all members follow the guidelines of the CDC, which advise that all staff who have symptoms of acute respiratory illness are recommended to stay home and not come to work until they are free of fever (100.4° F [37.8° C] or greater using an oral thermometer), signs of a fever, and any other symptoms for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines (e.g. cough suppressants).
- Any team member who—
- tests positive for COVID-19
- has been in close proximity (within 6 feet) of someone who has tested positive
- is waiting for personal test results or the results of someone they have been in frequent close contact with
—will notify human resources immediately so that we can take steps to prevent additional spread. Those individuals will not return to a workspace until test results are verified as negative, or a doctor clears them as non-contagious.
Daily Operations
- All non-essential events and meetings have been postponed, or moved to a web-based format, until after this situation resolves.
- All non-essential domestic and international business travel has been postponed. Personal travel has been discouraged and self-quarantine guidelines put in place in response to most completed travel. In the event a team member is self-quarantined, human resources will facilitate a return-to-work plan.
- We have instituted work-from-home policies across our business, wherever possible, to limit in-office contact. Our leadership team is working in shifts to maintain business continuity.
WORKLABs / Offices
- We have increased sanitization services at our facilities and have published CDC Everyday Preventive Actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases.
- Client and vendor meetings are By Appointment Only.
Client-Site Protocols
In addition to the COVID-19 guidelines noted above, our field teams are instituting the following practices:
- Operations and Team Leaders are required to enforce a “best judgment” rule to assess if members seem fit for work. If in doubt, members will be sent home. ALL field sites must perform a “check in” before every shift. This includes a comprehensive conversation about the quality of the current state-of-health in order to assess if the team member appears healthy.
- All members are sanitizing before and after all close contact with others.
- Site activities will be strictly limited to work areas to limit exposure. No exceptions.
- Regular use of gloves has been implemented to limit skin-to-skin and skin-to-hard surface contact. Gloves will be worn unless required work permits safely performing a particular task without them.
- Physical contact will be limited including introductions and general interactions. We will proactively alert clients that we are controlling person-to-person contact. When work requires close or physical contact, we will reference hygiene practices.
Be assured of our commitment to you and your continued business operation.